Then, play a game with the mysterious kid outside to get this Achievement (and a recipe). For Ages 12 And Up: Go to Boulder Town’s Fight Club and speak to the representative to obtain a special Invite.Investigate the sphere near her to get this. Sweet Pom Pom O’Mine: Go to Qlipoth Forth, East of the Administrative District, to access Bronya’s Office.Hurt Locker: Go in the lower floor of the Administrative District map and you’ll see luggage on the bridge.Investigate trash cans and destroy various items in Jarilo-VI to get those.Twinkly, Winkly: Obtain Three Ancient Coins.You’ll have to spend one Praise of High Moral to do it. Select options to look for what’s inside and choose to fish treasure out of the water. Approach the Fountain North of the Administrative District.The Kelly Gang: Excavate the treasure hidden in the Belobog Administrative District’s fountain.50 Credits ?!: Rip off the seven Wanted posters scattered around in the game.La La La La Land: Obtain the score for the phonograph from talking with Tamila at the Golden Theater (Administrative District).I recommend you be methodical to get both Achievements from above.

Since the map is wide, it took me some time to find them all. Investigate trash cans in the Administrative District map.Don’t You Dare Waste It: Get Jim Roger Bread Soda from a trash can.Diogenes’ Utopia: Investigate the 19 trash cans scattered around the Administrative District map.